A Church Branding Checklist

Considering branding for your church but don’t know quite where to start? This checklist will get you started!

Whether you are doing it yourself or investing in a designer, this tool will let you know what you need to have prepared before starting and what you should have at the end of the process. You can even give this list to your designer to let them know what you are expecting.

We’ve talked about branding before and how it helps your church build a recognizable presence and present a clear message. But if you’re not completely bought in, check out this, in-depth post where we dig into the branding process at church.

Here’s the list! (Printable version below)

You’ll find there are lots of designers that will create a logo and only a logo. And that’s ok, they are simply fulfilling a request and doing their job! I have done the same 🙂 So why is there more on this list than a logo? Isn’t a logo enough? 

Well, no, not really. A brand provides an immersive experience that will be remembered. A logo can’t do that on its own. It also provides structure and strategy because it can be used as a guide for everything else…and that just makes life easier!

If you’ve got most items on this list checked off, awesome! You have a full brand. What does a brand look like in real life? Visuals,( i.e. your logo, announcement slides printed materials) that complement each other and are cohesive. Perceived credibility and excellence in presentation. And the ability for your church’s unique personality to stand out!

>>>Printable Church Branding Checklist

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I'm Meridith

A mom and wife based in Arizona. I love good design and have worked in small churches for lots of years. Now I’m sharing my collection of sermon graphics and some things I’ve learned along the way.

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