We talk a lot about graphic design for church here and the importance and process of branding. The topic of both graphic design and branding are very broad. Graphic design is everywhere and encompasses everything from business cards to signage.
It’s a lot to take on and even the thought of it can be daunting. Wouldn’t it be great if we could work on our branding and graphic design in smaller, more manageable pieces?
Step one is asking the right questions
This first step to creating effective graphics and branding for your church is to know your church and know your audience. Graphics are a form of communication and being sure of who your church is and who your audience is, an excellent framework for you to build on.
So how can we do this? How can we know truly know our church an our audience?
I know we often want to jump the gun and get over to our computers and just start designing. Can step one please be “Buy a Photoshop subscription?” I really wish it was, that would be easier, but it wouldn’t give any direction or purpose to our designs and that exactly what we need.
Instead we need to slow down and ask questions…and not just any questions…they need to be the right ones! Below are some great, though provoking questions you can ask when you begin creating your church brand or any graphic for church. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it will put you on the right track.
Sometimes we are so involved in church, we can no long see what a visitor sees. Asking these questions force me to regain an outside perspective and a visitors mindset when it comes to my church and the churches I work with.
Try getting a few forward thinking people on your volunteer or leadership team together for a brainstorming session and see what you can come up with as a group. The results of the meeting can be brought to leadership to be sure that everyone is on the same page and the answers honestly represent your church and those you want to reach.
This type of questioning and brainstorming is truly step one to great design.
The Questions
Your Church
• What is your church mission statement?
• What are the core values of your church?
• What makes your church unique?
Your Audience
• What does your church attender value most?
• Why do you think people are drawn to your church?
• Why might your church attender struggle to come to church?
What do you want your church to be know for?
• How do you think the community would describe your church?
• What do you want your church to know and remembered for?